Web Push Notifications for Joomla

Add iZooto Web Push Notifications to your Joomla site and start engaging with your website visitors.


Joomla is an open source platform on which Web sites and applications can be created. Joomla is currently the second most used content management system on the Internet, after WordPress. Marketers and bloggers are constantly exploring new tools in order to gain new buyers and retain the old ones. This is where iZooto web push notifications can help these marketers to achieve their objective. iZooto's Web Push notifications help you achieve that by sending highly personalized notifications to your users even when they are not on your website. iZooto's push notifications help to boost your traffic and generate leads by sending website notifications to subscribers.


Here's how to setup iZooto on your Joomla site


Step 1 : Click on templates.


Joomla control Panel


Step 2 : Check Active style at site. (In this case it is Protostar star mark )


Checking active templates in Joomla Control Panel


Step 3 : Select the active template.


Selecting active template in Joomla Control Panel


Step 4 : In the next step, open footer.php.


Adding iZooto integration script in Joomla


Step 5 : Add the following line where other Js files are include as shown in screenshot : $doc->addScript(“//cdn.izooto.com/scripts/8e82282a8c72c245e8252d9c9806b1256429c57f.js“);


Add JS code to Joomla Site


Step 6 : Click on ‘Save & Close’ to finish the integration process.


Deploying Web Push Notifications on Joomla


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