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WordPress Donation Plugins for Publishers: Which One is Right for You?

Written by Ujjwal Goel | Mar 22, 2023

Digital publishers either rely on ad revenue or add paywalls to generate income from their websites. While popular enterprise publishers have the option of sponsored content, it isn’t for everyone. Another alternative that publishers can opt for is donations. These donations are collected directly from site visitors. If you are using a WordPress CMS, you can use a plugin to easily collect donations from your readers. With the right plugin, publishers can create seamless donation experiences for their users, which can help increase donations and improve donor engagement. 

This blog will discuss the top WordPress donation plugin available and the factors to consider when choosing a plugin. Additionally, it will provide tips for maximizing donations using WordPress plugins to help publishers.

Why Should a Publisher Add a Donation Plugin on WordPress?

Adding a donation plugin on WordPress can provide several benefits for publishers, especially those running small or niche websites:

1. Alternative revenue source

While advertising is a common way to monetize a website, it may not always be feasible or practical for smaller websites. A donation plugin can be an alternative to a paywall, allowing visitors to support the website directly.

2. Accessible content

Unlike a paywall that restricts access to content. A publisher can provide visitors unrestricted access to their website by encouraging people to donate voluntarily. You can keep content accessible to everyone while still generating revenue.

3. Encourages community engagement

By accepting donations, you can foster a sense of community among your audience, who may be more likely to support a website they feel connected to.

4. Flexibility in donation options

Donation plugins offer various payment options, including one-time or recurring donations, and the ability to set different donation amounts. This flexibility allows publishers to tailor their donation requests to suit their audience and website's needs.

The Best Donations Plugins for WordPress

To collect donations on WordPress, choose a donation plugin that fits your website's needs and integrates with your preferred payment gateway. We’ve listed the best WordPress donation plugins below:

WordPress Donation Plugins Compared
Plugin Customizable Forms Recurring Donations Multiple Payment Gateways Donation Tracking Transaction Fees Pricing
Donorbox Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.5% + 30¢/donation Free for up to $1k/mo, then starts at $40/mo
GiveWP Yes Yes Yes Yes None Starts at $240/yr
WooCommerce Yes Yes Yes Yes Depends on the payment gateway Free
Charitable Yes Yes Yes Yes None Starts at $99/yr
PayPal Donations Limited No Yes (PayPal only) Yes None Free


1. Donorbox


Donorbox is a popular donation plugin that allows websites to collect donations seamlessly. Donorbox integrates with popular third-party tools such as Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Zapier.


  • Donorbox allows you to create customizable donation forms that match your website's branding and messaging.
  • Donorbox supports recurring donations, allowing donors to choose a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation frequency.
  • Donorbox supports multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, making it easy for donors to ensure a secure and convenient donation.
  • Donorbox provides comprehensive analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track your donation metrics and donor information.

2. GiveWP


GiveWP is a popular WordPress donation plugin that offers a user-friendly interface, customized donation forms, and payment gateway connections with PayPal and Stripe.


  • GiveWP provides customizable donation forms that allow you to add custom fields and customize the design and branding to match your website.
  • GiveWP lets you set up automatic donation receipts and thank-you emails for recurring donors.
  • GiveWP provides comprehensive donor management features, including donor profiles, notes, and history.
  • GiveWP lets you view your donations by date range, campaign, or donor and filter your data to gain insights into donor behavior.

3. WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a popular donation plugin for WordPress that allows you to create an online store and sell products or services. The plugin provides a user-friendly interface and customizable storefront. 


  • WooCommerce provides a donation product type that allows you to create a product and set the price to $0. 
  • WooCommerce integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Amazon Pay, making it easy for donors to create a secure and convenient donation.
  • WooCommerce allows you to customize your storefront's design and branding to match your website.
  • WooCommerce includes robust reporting and analytics options that will enable you to track donation metrics and customer information and export data for tax and accounting needs.

4. Charitable


Charitable is a versatile WordPress donation plugin that allows non-profit organizations, charities, and digital publishers. The plugin has a simple and user-friendly interface.


  • You can add custom fields to your donation form, choose from different themes and colors, and customize the form's layout.
  • You can have various custom fields in your donation form, select from several themes and colors, and change the style of the form.
  • Charitable provides a peer-to-peer fundraising feature that allows your supporters to create their fundraising pages and share them on social media or via email.
  • You can also segment your donors by date range or donation amount and export your data for tax and accounting purposes.

5. Paypal Donations

PayPal Donations is a plugin that allows bloggers and news publishers to easily collect donations from their audience using PayPal. One of the most widely used payment gateways online. With this plugin, you can add a PayPal donate button to your website, making it easy for your readers to contribute to your cause or support your work. The plugin is simple to set up and customize, and you can choose from various button designs and sizes. Additionally, you can track donations and view donor information within your PayPal account. PayPal Donations is an ideal choice for bloggers and news publishers who want to accept donations quickly and securely with minimal setup.


  • Customizable donate button: The plugin allows you to customize the design, size, and color of the donate button to match your website's style and branding. This feature helps to make the donate button more noticeable and attractive to potential donors.
  • Recurring donations: The plugin supports recurring donations, which means that donors can set up regular donations to support your cause or work. This feature can help to increase the sustainability of your fundraising efforts and provide a stable source of income.
  • Donation tracking: The plugin provides easy donation tracking and allows you to view donor information within your PayPal account. This feature makes it easier to manage donations and keep track of donor details such as donation amount, frequency, and date.

Bonus:  Donation Thermometer


Donation Thermometer is a simple yet effective plugin for WordPress that allows you to display a fundraising goal and track the progress of your donation campaign. This isn't a donation plugin, but it shows your readers the current status of your donations. The plugin provides a customizable thermometer graphic that updates in real-time as donations are made.


  • Donation Thermometer allows you to customize the thermometer graphic's color, size, and style to match your website's branding and design.
  • Donation Thermometer updates when donations are made, providing an accurate and up-to-date view of your donation campaign's progress.
  • Donation Thermometers support multiple fundraising goals, allowing you to set up different thermometers for different campaigns or initiatives.
  • Donation Thermometer integrates with WordPress's shortcode feature, making it easy to embed the thermometer graphic anywhere on your website. 

What is the best donation Plugin for WordPress?

Choosing the best donation plugin for WordPress depends on your specific needs and goals. However, some of WordPress's most popular and highly-rated donation plugins include Charitable, GiveWP, Donorbox, and WooCommerce. These plugins offer a range of features and functionalities, such as customizable donation forms, recurring donations, peer-to-peer fundraising, and integration with popular payment gateways. Evaluating each plugin's features, ease of use, and pricing options is essential to determine which suits your organization or fundraising campaign best.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Donation Plugin

There are various factors in play when considering a donation plugin for WordPress. Some of them are:

1. Payment Gateway

Consider the payment gateways the plugin integrates with and whether they support the currencies and countries where your donors are.

2. Customization

Look for plugins that allow you to customize your donation forms, receipts, and emails to match your website's branding and messaging.

3. User Experience

Choose a plugin that provides a smooth and user-friendly donation experience for your donors with minimal friction or technical difficulties.

4. Reporting and Analytics

Look for plugins that provide reporting and analytics features, such as donation tracking, donor segmentation, and exportable data, to help you optimize your fundraising campaigns and improve donor engagement.

Here’s How Publishers Can Maximize Donations with WordPress Plugins

There are various ways for publishers to maximize their donations. Some of them are:

1. Clear and Simple Donation Forms

Use clear and straightforward donation forms to minimize friction and encourage donors to complete the donation process. The forms should be easily filled out and prominently displayed on your website.

2. Use a Compelling Call to Action

Use compelling call-to-action (CTA) messages to motivate donors to take action. CTAs should be visible and prominently displayed on your website, such as in the header or footer.

3. Offer Incentives and Rewards

Offer incentives or rewards, such as access to bonus content or exclusive merchandise, to encourage donors to give. This method can increase engagement and help to build long-term relationships with donors.


WordPress donation plugins offer a convenient and effective way for publishers and organizations to collect donations and earn additional revenue. Publishers may create a seamless customer contribution experience by selecting the correct plugin, developing clear and plain donation forms, utilizing appealing call-to-action messaging, and offering incentives and prizes.

Looking for different plugins for your website? Check out the best WordPress plugins for you blog.