iZooto Blog l Opinions, Trends & Guides on Audience Ownership

Guest contributions for the iZooto blog

Written by Vivek Khandelwal | Jul 06, 2016

If you're passionate about content publishing, news media, or even blogging, then we'd love to share your perspective with our audience. Write for the iZooto blog.

With 1000+ subscribers from organizations such as The Harvard Business Review, Hubspot, and several other prominent businesses, you have the opportunity to share your perspective with an illustrious community by publishing on the iZooto blog.

Guest blogging is a great way to share your learning with a wider community. By getting published in the iZooto blog, you will reach an audience of news and media publishers as well as prominent bloggers across the globe.

If you're excited about sharing your expertise with a large audience of publishers - editors, product managers, growth hackers, business owners and revenue leads, we'd love to hear from you.

Drop us an email at adityas@izooto.com for Guest post related queries and

chris@izooto.com for backlink collaborations.

How does this work?

We receive requests to contribute posts all the time. To make your pitch more efficient and increase the chances of it getting published, we encourage you to keep your pitch comprehensive, data-driven, and insightful. Keep it relevant to the audience we described above. These are publishers and content businesses you will be writing for.

Create content that helps our readers learn something new about the world of publishing. 

Due to the volume of requests we receive, we may not be able to respond to pitches that don't meet our guidelines. Here are some tips to avoid being overlooked.

  • Follow the guidelines:  It's really as simple as that. Align with the description we have offered about our audience. Write to solve for them. When we receive a pitch that doesn’t follow these guidelines, it's as good as spam.
  • Keep it unique - If the piece of content has been published before, let's move on to something new. We're looking for unique and relevant content for our audience.
  • Avoid redundant content: Please ensure your topic hasn't been published by iZooto before. We wouldn't want to publish what has been done before. Unless the space has undergone significant evolution and the rules of the game have changed. As an example, social media tips, and SEO basics won’t really get our top attention to begin with.
  • We follow a framework and calendar:  There are the topics that we want to focus on and if you fall in this framework, we would be excited to review.
    • Top of the Funnel Traction: Strategies and not hacks that help marketers grow traffic at the top of the funnel.  
    • Mid of the Funnel Actionables: Tools, and frameworks that help publishers engage their users. Think Web Analytics, Conversion Techniques, Optimization
    • Bottom of the Funnel, Closure and Advocacy: Practices that can help you convert better, faster, and transform your conversions into advocates/referrals.

Your posts can be in a variety of formats. From simple blog posts or even How-to Guides, Comparative analyses, Listicles, and Frameworks. Here's a tip: writing specialized content such as a how-to guide or an analysis piece about tools and technologies in the space could increase your chances of gaining our attention. For obvious reasons, we don’t do reviews.

Idea Accepted. What next?

Once we agree with your idea, we want to build that into a structure that sheds light on what you will cover in your content piece. This means that you need to provide us with the details of the article and how it will flow. Before we publish any post on our blog, we check for two things - Tonality and Quality.

  • Readers enjoy our blog because of what we write and how we write it. There is a specific tone with which people can relate and get insights. Read some of our blog posts to understand this better.

  • Quality is a subjective metric but here is the emotion that we want every piece of content to trigger - it should make readers forward the article to their friends / take a printout and ponder.

Editorial Guidelines:


  • We prefer heavily researched articles. Do not write to fill words. But offer a collection of perspectives that words are needed to explain it. Typically, the posts we publish will be anywhere between 1000-1500 words after undergoing rounds of editing.
  • Be engaging. Do not be verbose.
  • Infographics need to be supported with a 300-word description.
  • Do not self-promote
  • If you make a statement or a claim in the story, it needs to be supported by a reference or quote. This could also be third-party data that links to the original source. Data points without a source will be omitted.
  • Feel free to include any images, graphs or charts that could support your article. We may include or exclude them after our round of editing.

Headlines, Subheadings, and Conclusions

  • Do suggest a headline for your post. Be genuine without using click baits. Again, we may decide to alter this before publishing. We will be happy to brainstorm ideas with you.
  • Add subheadings, images, bulleted lists, and quotes to present your ideas better. Share the images with alt text in a zip file over email.
  • Most importantly, give the audience a tangible takeaway. Wrap up with a conclusion and invite the users with a crisp call to action (e.g. for the reader to share on social media)

Additional items needed:

  • A short two-line bio that describes you for the audience. This is your way to convince them to read your piece and pay attention to what you mention in your post.
  • Links to your Twitter account, Linkedin account and website. This helps us when we distribute this piece on our social media properties.
  • A 200 x 200px headshot