
Duanne-beckett-1Sportsnaut is The Publisher Desk’s flagship sports website that covers news in both written and audio format. They are a popular brand in the U.S. that covers everything in sports, giving greater emphasis on covering news pertaining to MLB and NFL.


Meet the Publishers’ Messiah

The Publisher Desk has a wide range of publishers dedicated across a broad spectrum of topics. The Publisher Desk helps publishers regain control of their ad inventory and face the challenges of an ever-changing marketplace, new technologies, new methodologies, and grow their audience while keeping costs low. They strive to solve the challenges faced by all digital publishers and maximize their potential by delivering products that enhance, solve, and engage based on the individual publisher’s needs.


Retention Was A Tough One To Crack

The team at Sportsnaut pride themselves on producing the best sports content for the readers. They have always had traffic pouring in left, right, and center and the time spent on the site is quite admirable. But when it came to bringing back the traffic, they were always missing milestones.


After leveraging iZooto, Sportsnaut has been able to drive users back to the site, but also build a new audience of ardent fans. The results have surpassed their expectations.



increase in page views in
5 months during the collaboration


increase in push notification subscribers in 5 months


The Publisher Desk to the rescue

Every website's core challenge is to generate traffic. This can be through search engines, direct referrals, or countless other sources. And if set up right, that traffic becomes revenue through ads, affiliation, or sales.

The Publisher Desk has helped Sportsnaut target these core challenges. Helping it maximize its revenue, identify new opportunities, and help build traffic. The Publisher Desk even handles the site from a technology standpoint. And iZooto is another example of The Publisher Desk helping Sportsnaut maximize opportunities.

Sportsnaut has this amazing editorial team where they ship out real-time content. To leverage this, the team at The Publisher Desk makes the best use of iZooto's push notifications to keep readers updated. They have created segments based on location making sure the notifications are sent to a specific audience based on where they are. This helps them engage users and ensure more clicks.


Duane has been in constant communication with Kristi, and has come out with numerous strategies, and has tried out different features to provide readers with a better user experience and in turn, increasing page views for Sportsnaut. 


Making Readers Come Back For More

Sportsnaut started building their own audience from the very first day of using iZooto. 

An audience that they can reach out to wherever they want to with the latest updates and bring them back to their website. Today, they see a 370% increase in readers from iZooto, basically reaching out to a far bigger audience than they used to before.  


They are in full control of their audience - bringing back readers to the website like the Pied Piper. As users return, page views have increased and their loyal iZooto audience continues to grow and engage. They started using iZooto and never looked back.


Let Numbers Do The Talking

Sportsnaut saw amazing results using iZooto's web push notifications and continues to do so. 

Here are some results that stand out: 

  • Pageviews from iZooto increased 39% in five months during the collaboration.
  • Push notification subscribers increased by a massive 370% in five months.
  • Sessions from iZooto push notifications increased 55% during the collaboration.



The Publisher Desk and iZooto

Together We Are Stronger Than Ever

The Publisher Desk and iZooto work in tandem to contribute to the continued growth and success of Sportsnaut. Audience development, engagement, and retention continue to be a priority for Sportsnaut. Sportsnaut leverages iZooto’s engagement platform but also their monetization capability to boost their revenue. 

The Publisher Desk has aligned their team to make sure that Sportsnaut has everything it needs to reach greater heights of engagement and make users come back to the website for more. As iZooto rolls out Kepler AI, an AI-powered Playbook for content recommendations, it would be even more interesting to see the delta lift in the engagement numbers for Sportsnaut. 

iZooto offers a set of tools that give publishers an opportunity to build and reach a new audience. Yet, what makes this collaboration special is that everyone wants the same outcome: Tangible improvements in traffic. This is what a website wants to see, something The Publisher Desk targets, and what iZooto thrives on.

The whole aim of The Publisher Desk is to ensure that every publisher under its wing has the right kind of tools to make their business flourish. With iZooto in the picture, it was a breeze increasing user engagement, pageview increment, and repeat traffic upliftment. Their partnership has proven fruitful for a lot of publishers across the globe. Together we are striving to create a utopia for publishers. 

Other Case Studies

10M page views in a span of few months with iZooto

Sanook wanted to engage users outside their website. Know how they built an audience of their own and aced their engagement. 

Pushed its traffic by 20% in just 3 months

The news platform with an 11.5 million reach in Philippine started owning its audience and increased engagement in few months!

iZooto drives 18% of the total traffic

The oldest Philippines newspaper has started owning its audience and is directly connecting with it to drive 18% of the total traffic.


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