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Permission UX: Web Push Permission Prompts To Delight Your Users

Last updated on Apr 25, 2024

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Permission UX: Web Push Permission Prompts To Delight Your Users

There is a reason why users aren’t subscribing to your notifications as they should. Here is a question you need to answer - What is the ‘right time’ to push out a web push notification? Here is a hint - it is definitely not forcing the users to act on a prompt as soon as your website loads. Read on to know what permission UX is and how you can delight your customers.

Sometimes it so happens, that users tend to close the permission prompt un-knowingly or aren't keen on receiving notifications from you at that moment. Which makes sense, why would a user who is visiting your website for the first time opt for notifications? They do not know what your website is all about or what value they can get from it. Once they get to know what is in store for them, there is a chance that the users will opt for your web push notification. Prompt users to subscribe when they have spent some time on your website or on a user action. This ensures that the subscription process is relevant, smoother, and makes sure that it doesn't hamper with the UX.

With the latest Chrome update, notification subscription prompts are blocked for a week after the third dismissal. By August almost all of the users would have updated to Chrome 59, which also means that they won’t be receiving subscription prompts if they choose to dismiss it for 3 times in a row. One more reason for you to place user experience on a higher pedestal.

Multi- Opt ins for better Permission UX

You can show users a website based permission prompt which your website has control over. If a user wants to receive notifications from you, you can go ahead and ask users to click on ‘Allow’ on the browser based permission prompt to confirm their consent.

The main reason behind implementing a two click process to mold the prompts in a way that will be appealing to the users. You can set the context , design it in a way that would please your users and make use of the right words to attract the users in one go. It also saves you from being blocked even if a uses dismisses it more than 3 times.

Notification Templates for Multi- Opt in

We at iZooto came up with multiple notification template to help you craft the right permission UX. You can always tweak the copy of the prompt to make it more appealing and add in a flavour of your website. We currently have 5 multi Opt- in designs from which you can choose from. You could also experiments from these notification template and see which works for you the best. Here is how they look like-

Dialog Box

Dialoge box 1


Central ModalCentral model

Full Screen Pop Up Full screen
Right Sidebar
right side bar
Sticky Headerup-1
Slideup Boxslide up


bellSticky Bar

Sticky bar

Subscription prompt designs for mobile devices


Customize web push notification templates

On your iZooto dashboard, click on ‘Settings’ and select ‘Modify Subscription Prompt’, then click on 'Change Prompt' where you can choose your desired notification template and edit it.

Screenshot-2You can customize the logo, title, description and the 2 CTA buttons.

Specifications for the subscription prompt notification template -

Logo -  Max 10Kb

Title text - Max 50 characters

Description-  Max 100 characters

Once you are done you can click on ‘Save & Activate’.

Dialog box

You can fix a time when the prompt should be shown on the user's screen. It is recommended that the prompt should be displayed after a user spends some time on your site to increase the chances of users subscribing to your notifications.

Don't annoy the user with constant prompts just because they visited another page on your website. Set a time frame and send push notifications accordingly.

You can also trigger subscription prompt button onclick events. 

We have made few changes in our recent subscription prompt update, Now you can set up these prompts, customize them, and compare them swiftly and easily.

Start engaging users from day zero. Try web push notifications for free! 



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Pravya Pravin
Pravya Pravin
Pravya Pravin is a Product Marketer at iZooto. An artist who paints not only with words, but also on canvas. She loves exploring places less traveled and wishes to go on a bike trip to the highest motorable road.

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